Introducing CFXScriptions

Introducing CFXScriptions

CFXScriptions are a new way of generating and distributing digital artifacts on Conflux, utilizing transaction calldata as their medium.

CFXScriptions serve as an alternative to both smart contracts, which are often too costly for the average user

It is a protocol designed to enable information sharing and computational tasks on the Conflux Network, but at significantly reduced expenses.

This cost efficiency in CFXScriptions is realized by circumventing the storage and execution processes of smart contracts. Instead, it processes state by applying fixed protocol rules to Conflux's basic calldata.

The primary aim of CFXScriptions is to empower regular users to carry out decentralized computing activities at an affordable cost. In their current state, CFXScriptions mainly function as a more budget-friendly version of NFTs and Tokens.

Following the introduction of the CFXScriptions Virtual Machine, they are poised to offer a less expensive alternative to the Conflux Virtual Machine. (Planning stage)

What is Calldata?

CFXScriptions achieve cost-effectiveness by utilizing Conflux transaction calldata for on-chain data storage, rather than relying on smart contracts.

In a Conflux transaction, when you transfer CFX to someone, the calldata acts like a "memo field." Often, this field is left empty during a regular CFX transfer to another individual. However, when you engage with a smart contract, you utilize this calldata field to include the necessary details for the smart contract interaction, such as the function name and its parameters.

CFXScriptions are similar in that they encode data into calldata, but this information is not directed at smart contracts.


Are CFXScriptions secure and trustless?

Absolutely! You can use the CFXScriptions protocol without relying on external parties. While it might be convenient to trust an indexer, like most Conflux community members do with ConfluxScan, you can always rebuild and verify the indexer data manually.

Are CFXScriptions decentralized?

Yes, CFXScriptions reinterpret existing Conflux data, which is decentralized by nature. No one's permission is required to use criptions and no one can ban you from using it. By contrast, NFTs often rely on data stored in specific contracts that one person might control.

Does relying on off-chain indexers as the source of truth make CFXScriptions centralized?

CFXScriptions doesn't rely on off-chain indexers as the source of truth any more than Conflux relies on ConfluxScan as the source of truth. Both types of indexers are tools, and if they report data inconsistent with protocol rules they should be fixed. The key to decentralization is that these kinds of bugs can be discovered and verified by all protocol participants equally.

Who invented CFXScriptions ?

CFXScriptions, developed by ConfluxDAO, are inspired by Ethscriptions and Bitcoin inscriptions.

Last updated